What is SexTech?

Sextech refers to a growing industry that combines technology with human sexuality, aiming to enhance and improve various aspects of intimate experiences.

By leveraging innovative solutions, sextech embraces a range of products and services that cater to diverse needs and desires, fostering a culture of acceptance and exploration.

Key Areas

Enhancing Pleasure

Sextech offers a plethora of devices, apps, and virtual reality experiences designed to enhance pleasure and intimacy. From smart toys to immersive content, these innovations aim to elevate sensual experiences and promote personal well-being.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

With a focus on inclusivity, sextech aims to break down barriers and cater to diverse needs. This includes products and services tailored for individuals with disabilities, LGBTQ+ communities, and various gender identities, ensuring that everyone can access and benefit from advancements in sexual technology.

Privacy and Security

The sextech industry recognizes the importance of privacy and security. Manufacturers and developers implement robust encryption, secure data storage, and privacy settings to protect user information and ensure a safe and confidential experience.

Education and Empowerment

Sextech embraces the power of knowledge, providing educational platforms, online courses, and interactive apps that promote sexual health, consent, and communication. By empowering individuals with information, sextech fosters healthy and fulfilling relationships.

Communication and Connectivity

Sextech leverages technology to facilitate communication and connection between individuals, couples, and communities. From platforms for anonymous discussions to virtual meetups, these tools bridge distances, encourage open dialogue, and foster a sense of belonging.

SexTech TO aims to build a community of sextech professionals working in the Greater Toronto Area, to foster relationships that spark collaboration, creativity, and innovation.